Latest Exchange Rates: 1 Nigerian Naira = 0 Bitcoin
NGN (Nigerian Naira) is the currency of Nigeria having subunit kobo and symbol is ₦. ISO ALPHA-2 code of Nigeria is NG, ISO ALPHA-3 code is NGA , ISO Numeric code is 566 and dialing phone code is +234. It is located in Africa code (AF) and it's capital is Abuja. Area in Square Kilometer of Nigeria is 923768.0sqkm and Population is 154000000. Languages spoken here are English,Hausa,Yoruba.
BTC (Bitcoin) is the currency of World having subunit millibit and symbol is mBTC. ISO ALPHA-2 code of World is , ISO ALPHA-3 code is , ISO Numeric code is and dialing phone code is +0. It is located in code () and it's capital is . Area in Square Kilometer of World is sqkm and Population is . Languages spoken here are .
Country : | Nigeria |
Region : | Africa |
Sub-Unit : | kobo |
Symbol : | ₦ |
Country : | World |
Region : | Global |
Sub-Unit : | millibit |
Symbol : | mBTC |
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